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Essential Hooks

The common/hooks directory contains 2 essential hooks frequently used in web frontend development - useAlert and useFetch hook.

useAlert Hook

A hook that standardises how alerts are shown globally, as well as how alert components' state are managed.


useAlert hook returns a object consisting of AlertComponent, showAlert, and hideAlert:

// using the hook
const { AlertComponent, showAlert, hideAlert } = useAlert();

return (
<AlertComponent /> // alert component

<Button onClick={() => showAlert()} /> // show alert component
<Button onClick={() => hideAlert()} /> // hide alert component

useFetch Hook

A hook that abstracts the fetch api with custom error handling, authorization, logic management, and configuration of cookies and jwt. Note: useFetch hook handles refreshing of jwt tokens automatically.


useFetch hook returns an object that consists of the CRUD methods (get, post, put, _delete). useFetch can be used in 2 ways:

1st Way (Recommended):

const fetch = useFetch();

const onSubmitHandler: SubmitHandler<ValidationSchema> = async formValues => {
try {
const readResponse = await fetch.get('/listings'); // READ
const createResponse = await'/listings', formValues); // CREATE
const updateResponse = await fetch.put('/listings/1', formValues); // UPDATE
const deleteResponse = await fetch._delete('listings/1'); // DELETE

} catch {
// response not ok
// do something here


2nd Way:

// destructing method
const { get, post, put, _delete } = useFetch();

const onSubmitHandler: SubmitHandler<ValidationSchema> = async formValues => {
try {
const readResponse = await get('/listings'); // READ
const createResponse = await post('/listings', formValues); // CREATE
const updateResponse = await put('/listings/1', formValues); // UPDATE
const deleteResponse = await _delete('listings/1'); // DELETE

} catch {
// response not ok
// do something here


get Method




url: A string containing the api endpoint path. For example, 'listings'.

Return value

A JSON value of the response or a Promise that is rejected.

post Method

Syntax, body)


url: A string containing the api endpoint path. For example, 'listings'. body: An unknown value containing form data.

Return value

A JSON value of the response or a Promise that is rejected.

put Method


fetch.put(url, body)


url: A string containing the api endpoint path. For example, 'listings'. body: An unknown value containing form data.

Return value

A JSON value of the response or a Promise that is rejected.

_delete Method




url: A string containing the api endpoint path. For example, 'listings/1'.

Return value

A JSON value of the response or a Promise that is rejected.